Use the links on the left for information about chris dunns books and the links below for additional information. However, the term pyramid power in its current usage first appeared in print in sheila ostrander and lynn schroeder s 1970 book psychic discoveries behind the iron curtain. Pyramid power, the secret energy harnessed by the ancients, preserves food stuffs, amplifies thought forms, and increases sexual vitality. New evidence shows the great pyramid of giza might have been a giant ancient power plant. Pdf the giza power plant download full pdf book download. His books have sold more than a million copies worldwide. The giza power plant discussion graham hancock official website. The great pyramid of giza was once covered in white polished limestone, referred to as casing stones.
But i couldnt wait to get my hands on some serious. According to toth, this led to a lawsuit by flanagan against him. Christopher dunn presents a body of science based evidence which cannot be dismissed lightly as quackery. Technologies of ancient egypt dunn, christopher on. The mistaken believe is that the pyramids were built as the last resting place of a pharaoh, but no one was ever buried there intentionally the giza death star joseph p. The great pyramids laser power plant home facebook. The great pyramid at giza is a wireless power plant youtube. The pyramid is a cross between the tower of babel and the tesla tower. The giza power plant book by christopher dunn official. I think that if we read the books on pyramids published by mark lehner. New evidence shows the great pyramid of giza might have. While the idea that the great pyramid of egypt was used as giant power plant generating free, wireless energy, is firmly rejected by mainstream scholars, this theory could explain numerous enigmas about the pyramid itself and the sophisticated society that settled at the nile river thousands of years ago.
Online shopping from a great selection at books store. This book shows how the great pyramid of giza was used as a celestial clock and power plant. The author shows how the pyramids numerous chambers and. The great pyramid at giza is a wireless power plant learn more. I had already read this book, but being inside the great pyramid made this book.
There have been many books written about the great pyramid that put forth numerous points of view, beliefs or hypotheses regarding its. He puts forward his theory succinctly with clear evidence and leaves the reader to conclude the giza pyramid was a power plant precicely engineered. In 1998, he published the groundbreaking book the giza power plant, which proposed that the great pyramid of giza was actually a large acoustical. Pyramid power, the secret energy harnessed by the ancients, preserves. Suspicion naturally arises when one reads a promo line on a back cover that says, this is the most important book concerning the great pyramid written in the last 20 years. Coauthor of pendulum power and the bestselling pyramid power, greg nielsen practices and teaches astrology in reno, nevada. The giza power plant by christopher dunn did a highly advanced civilization exist in prehistory. In 1998, he published the groundbreaking book the giza power plant, which proposed that the great pyramid of giza was actually a large acoustical device that produced energy. Pyramid power by max toth, greg nielsen, paperback barnes. Engineer christopher dunn shows how the pyramids numerous chambers and passageways were positioned with. This is the most important book concerning the great pyramid written in the last. How energy source from giza pyramid was used for incredible reason ancient egyptians believed the great pyramid of giza transferred energy like a power plant. The second evidence is that around the pyramid there are fourteen. But when i hear him say that the pyramids were power plants, then it is my duty to.
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